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my life according to me...

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

There are certain moments, conversations, confrontations, or whatever else, that I play over and over again in my mind, analyzing each and every word and action, wondering what it could have indirectly meant. Some things don't immedietely click at the moment they happen, and it's only later when I truly think about them and reflect on them that I interpret the true meaning. At least, what the meaning was according to me. In most cases, it's simply too late, and if there was something that I wished I had said or done at the time, I can't.

One thing about me that will always be the cause of my downfall is my tendency to overanalyze. Everything that happens to me, I scrutinize and think about to the point where in my mind the topic is beat to the pulp. Other people merely shrug things off with an indifferent attitude and not think twice. I, on the other hand, can't seem to let go. Why can't I be more like other people?


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