My Adobe

my life according to me...

Sunday, September 05, 2004

I figured an update was long overdue so here it is. I'm going to be taking a long break from the internet, possibly a few months or more. It's just that I've been spending too much time online lately, and I find that it's interfering with my offline life. So eh, you won't be seeing much of me for a while, but I'll make special appearances once in a while. I promise. Senior year will be starting on Tuesday and I guess I'm kind of excited about it and kind of not. It'll be my last year with my friends, and although we're not close as close as we used to be, I'm still going to be missing them afterwards. A lot. I can't believe I won't be seeing them after this year like I have been for the past seven years. They'll become distant from me and I'll become distant from them. Phone calls now and then. Emails a few times a month. Instant messaging once a week or so. Slowly all that will wither away, and there will be nothing. Not even a trickle.

Hmm, on a slightly less depressing note, tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday. Yay?


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