I was more than upset when I wrote my last entry. When I read it again, I began to think about the reasons that justified my feeling that way, and I came up with plenty. No use in listing them, because it'll only make me more angry. But in any case, I have gotten over it and life is going on, alhamdulillah. I guess I tend to overreact sometimes, and that's why I've been attempting to practice the art of self-restraint for the past week or so. Judging from my last entry, you can guess how it's been going, huh? Then again, I have this blog as a sort of therapy for myself, and where else would I go to let out how I feel? As long as I don't have a fit in front of anyone, I think it's okay to vent.
I have a long way to go, and the journey will be difficult and strenuous, but I know in the end it's only myself and the others around me that I'll benefit. I have anger issues that need to be resolved. I have more of a silent kind of anger, not the kind of anger where I hurdle things across the room or (astagfirullah) cut myself out of frustration and pain. However, although it is internal anger, it can be just as painful as physical affliction upon myself. Things get to me that I shouldn't let get to me, no matter how hurtful they are. Why I act this way is something I haven't ever recieved the answer to, but I know I have to stop myself. Man, is this goal hard, but nevertheless, attainable. I know I can certainly change myself because I've done it before and I can do it again if I give it my all.
My Adobe
my life according to me...
emotions are tricky things b/c they can't be controlled or turned on and off. if you are upset, you are upset. i'm glad you are not going to any extremes and drowning in your feelings to the point that you are hurting yourself physically, but yet, mental pain is hurtful too. i hope you find the peace and calm you are looking for and that happiness is soon to follow. :)
baj: Thanks :) I hope I find it, too.
Aww, gimme a smile lol :)
~Ally aka MuslimFaith
Ally: :D
You are in full control of your emotions ... girl, I'm so proud of you! Love you! Hang in there with the same attitude and I'm sure you'll be alright!
VLady: You're so sweet :) Thanks!
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