I love my friends. I don't say that as often as I should, so I thought I would. Although we have our differences, and although the distances between us have increased significantly over time, I'll still miss them when this year's over. I'll miss the laughter and joking that took place at our table in the school cafe, and I'll miss our sometimes deep and thought-provoking discussions on the phone or online. I'll miss having someone to cry to and actually understand my reasons, which often were convulated and confusing to those other than my friends. I love my friends for accepting me for who I am, and staying with me through the changes I underwent last year, like when I began wearing hijab. Other people might have judged me or turned their backs away from me, but they didn't do that, despite them having different upbringings and beliefs. And I always wonder if we'll keep in touch after this year. Ten years down the road, will we still talk to and see each other on a regular basis like we do now? Even two years from now, will we even be friends? I hope we don't grow apart. I really don't, so that's why I'm going to give these friendships my all during the next few years when we all go off to our separate directions, or else I'll regret not trying.
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my life according to me...
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