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my life according to me...

Friday, January 02, 2004

It's actually Thursday night but I'll have to post this later when Blogger isn't down any longer and that will possibly be tomorrow. I just read over my entry from Sunday and I have to admit that I did overreact a tad bit. I mean, so what if one person put me down like he did? It doesn't change the truth in any way whatsoever and at the end, it only matters if Allah knows the facts. I suppose I did get a bit carried away since I tend to be extremely sensitive when it comes to people interfering in my personal life, but then again, who isn't?

We left for Virginia on Tuesday afternoon and returned home about an hour or so ago. It's nine thirty at the moment. I guess that explains for my lack of entries and comments on blogs, huh? I had the greatest time bonding with my cousins and my one year old cousin, Marya, is the most adorable kid ever! My other cousins Noorallah, a five year old, and Yadullah, a twelve year old, are just as awesome. It really is a shame that I see them so rarely. Hmm, we visited the Air and Space Museum yesterday which was surprisingly interesting and we all enjoyed it. Their house is simply gorgeous and it's so large that you can actually get lost in it. Haha, if I lived in Virginia, I'd be going over to their house everyday! Overall, I'm glad we went. I was a bit reluctant to want to go for some reason that I don't even know myself. I'm certainly looking forward to going back! It's funny how I had so much to blog about when I was there but I never found the opportunity since I was almost always with Marya. I would have described our short trip in much more detail than I did if it weren't for me being as tired as I am. Wording my thoughts is becoming harder by the second and I swear my brain is dying on me. Agh.

So the new year has finally began. I'm quite indifferent but there definitely is a considerable lot that I want to accomplish this year. There are a few things that I desire to change about myself but I'm not sure what exactly are the chances of that happening. I always promise myself to commit to a certain goal and carry it out but it almost never becomes reality. Thinking about that is somewhat depressing but oh well.

I can't forget the fact that many, many events, both positive and negative, have taken place during the past year. Certain people that I love very much have left me and this world but fortunately, I have gotten over this and life is going on. It's Allah's mercy that internal pain tends to soften as time passes. I've changed drastically in the past year and it's strange how we usually don't notice changes but I really do feel as if much about me has changed. I believe that my faith has strengthened and I'm a better Muslimah now than I was a year from now. What's important is that I started wearing hijab on August 23, 2003...that date will probably always remain imprinted in my mind! If someone had told me even a year from now that I would start, I wouldn't have believed it even for a second. Additionally, I know that I am now much more aware of my environment and the people that are around's as if I've come to have the ability to see right through people. This helps me to a great extent because I have better judgment when it comes to who I should or should not befriend. I turn out to be right nearly all of the time. I've became closer to a select group of people and I know that we'll become even better friends in the future. Also, I've became a regular on the Muslim blogging scene, hehe. I think I created my first actual blog in the April of this year which seriously seems as if it were decades ago and not this year. I mean, I've had other blogs in the past but I can only really count this once since it's the most personal. It's been such a great privilege to come across the people that I have online. I can honestly go on forever about what has happened this year but I figure I'll stop now because my brain seems to not be functioning anymore! Then again, when is it ever? ;)